Crusader Association
A 501(c)(19) Non-Profit Veterans Organization
IRS EIN : 54-1910918

Marine F-8 Crusaders

Registering for LACB34

LACB34 with be held August 21-23, 2025, in Reno, Nevado, at the magnificent Grand Sierra Resort in conjunction with Hook ‘25. Your Board of Directors hopes that you can be there. To attend you need to first, and very soon, make your hotel reservation and then register with Hook '25. Later, you will need to register with the Association after we have finalized ready room details and an F8 Crusader Association event.

First things first: Make your room reservation now. The Hook '25 block of rooms is over 50% booked, so act soon. Here’s what you need to do:

Click on GSR Hook25 Reservation. Select "Attendee" and pick your dates. The negotiated rates are from Aug 18 through Aug 24, so you can arrive early and/or stay late as desired. We recommend you check-in NLT Thursday, August 21.

Next, you need to register for Hook '25. Click on Hook ‘25 Registraion:

  • Click "Register"
  • Select "Retired, Veteran, or Civilian Tailhook Member"
  • Select the ticketed events you wish to attend. We recommend at least attending the Bug Roach mixer Friday night and the Hook Banquet on Saturday night. We will sit together at the banquet.
  • Under COUPON enter "reuniongroup2025". Entering this code will reduce your check-out fee by $20.
  • Select NEXT. In Contact Information under Reunion Group Name, enter "F8 Crusader Association". Please do this as it enables Hook to alert us that you have registered.
  • Select NEXT and continue to check-out.

We are exploring having an F8-only event, perhaps dinner Thursday evening (the 21st) or a breakfast Friday morning (the 22nd). We will promulgate information on how to sign up for the event when we have finalized it. If you have an input as to which event you might prefer, please let the LACB34 Committee know.

There will be an F8 Ready Room. When the options are available, we'll make a selection and let you know and publish a registration process for the Ready Room and the F8-only event.

Having LACB concurrent with Hook provides an opportunity to renew friendships with folks in other communities. F8 and A4 communities worked closely together during Vietnam. Spread the word. Send your buddies to the website to start registering for LACB34!

F8 Crusader challenge coin©

Important Links


Board of Directors

Make a Donation

(More information Here)

Greenie Board
Listing of
All Donors

Recent Donations


Harvey "Rabbit" Kessler, VF-162
by Roland McLean
Bull Durham
by George Wright
Dennis A. Moore, VF-191 POW
by Don Jordan
Thomas “Twigs” Grant, VF-211
by Don Jordan
Thomas E. Friedrich, VF-191
by Don Jordan

To the Association

by Ernie Snowden
by L.S. "Pete” Brown
by Crist Berry
by Jack Woodul
by Jim Ozbirn
by Garnett Haubelt
by James Wagoner
by Alan Thompson
by W. John Miottel, Jr.
by Kevin Smith
by Joseph Powell
by Gary Crowell
by Chris Clausen
by Dick Evert