The 33rd Last Annual Crusader Ball

LACB33 at the Bali Hai in San Diego, September 27, 2024


LACB33 will be held on Friday, September 27, 2024, in the South Pacific Room of the beautiful Bali Hai, 2230 Shelter Island Dr, San Diego, CA.

The reunion begins at 11:00 a.m. with a welcome aboard social hour. There will be an open bar for beer and wine. Spirits will be available on a pay-as-you-go basis. This will give us all time to greet friends we haven't seen for awhile and catch up on how things are going.

The buffet luncheon begins at noon. It will include choices of two salads, two side dishes, and three entrées. Wine service is included during the meal.

After the luncheon we'll have a brief Crusader Association business session, to include collecting your inputs concerning LACB34. More information will be promulgated later.

Following the meeting, there's more time to socialize in the South Pacific Room until 3:00 p.m.

Bali Hai is a great venue with beautiful views of the harbor and the San Diego skyline. It's a perfect place to enjoy the beauty of the city and relax with friends.

Register now and start making your plans to gather in beautiful San Diego. Registrations must be received by September 16 so we can provide a final head count to the restaurant. Should your situation change, we will honor a full refund provided your request is received prior to September 16.

Download Registration Form

Thank you and hope to see you in sunny San Diego in September.

LACB33 Attendees

The following registrations have been received as of September 26:

Alderink, Jim & Mary
Bernard, Cress
Black, Karen &
	Mackenzie Edwards
Boland, Elaine
	Mike Boland
Borich, Mike
Brown, Dolly
Calmes, Greg & Bobbi
Campbell, Jay
Cannon, Ken & Jean
Cavicke, Dick,
Corah, Frank & Sandy
Cowles, Dave & Dru
Crim, Roger
DeFries, Christian
Domville, Tom & Carol
Evert, Dick & Mary
Greathouse, Bob & Susie
Ferg, Richard & Barbara
Henderson, Neal & Carolyn
Kilpatrick, Jack & Shirley
Kintzel, Craig &
	Carol White
Kiper, Bill & Mike Kiper
Larson, Vern & Gerri
Leonard, Skip
Lewis, Morrie & Connie
Little, Douglas
Marshall, Norman & Alice
Markel, Jim & Bev
Michael, Pete
Morgenfeld, Tom & Norma
Mudgett, Richard
Murrell, Gregory & Barbara
Ozbirn, Jim & Dede
Peters, Richard
Phaneuf, Joe & 
	Michaela Conley
Phelps, Pete
Ringwood, Paul & Lynne
Rose, Raymond
Sachau, Kurt & Dorothy
Schroeder, Chuck & Joyce
Snowden, Ernie
Switzer, Bill & Pam
Tracz, Stan
Umbdenstock, Pete & Glenda
Wagner, Brian 
Wagoner, Jim &
	Karen Higo
Waldron, Mike & Joy
Weatherup, Mark &
	Beatrice Snider
Weller, Gary

46 Drivers
34 Wives & Guests
80 Total