Crusader Association
Greenie Board!

Thanks To Our Generous Donors

Donations In Honor of:

William Brandel, VR-11/VF-13, by Thomas Craddock

Thomas E. Friedrich, VF-191, by Don Jordan

Thomas “Twigs” Grant, VF-211, by Don Jordan

Gerry Green, VF-191, by Dave Cowles

Ron Knott by Pi Kappa Phi Founders Group, Northwestern State University

Fred Neth & Dick Laws, VF-24, by Paul Cooper

Dennis A. Moore, POW, VF-191, by Don Jordan

Rich Redditt, VF-191, by Patricia Redditt

Shipmates in VF-62, by Ronald Hinkel

Shipmates in VF-194, by Don Priest

Dave Thompson, VF-24, by Dick Evert

OK3 Hall of Fame of All Donors

	John "Frog" Allen
	Karen Allen
	Donald Baker
	R. C. Berry
	Dave Best
	James Best
	David Benson
	Charles Bice
	Mike Borich
	Pete Brown
	Mary Buonaguidi
	George Carlson
	Larry Clark
	Chris Clausen
	Paul Cooper
	Dave Cowles
	T. A. Craddock
	Gary Crowell
	James Davis
	Tom Domville
	Larry Durban
	Dick Evert
	John Foster
	Vincent Furey
	Edward Guilbert
	Garnett Haubelt

	Raymond Haubelt
	Robert Heywood
	Andy Hill
	Ron Hinkel
	William Hinson
	Ralph James
	Don Jordan
	Fred Kruger
	Barry Kunkel
	Randall Lanford
	Robert Larson
	Douglas Little
	Henry Livingston
	Charles Lowry
	David Lorenzo
	James McGarvie
	James Markel
	Ken Masat
	James McFarlane
	Roland Mclean
	W. John Miottell, Jr.
	Leonard Nelson
	Jim Ozbirn
	Dave Perault
	Pi Kappa Phi
	Joseph Powell
	Don Priest
	Patricia Redditt
	Hugh Risseeuw
	Ray Rose
	Robert Sabia
	Raymond Schroeder
	Larry Sietsma
	John Souders
	Kevin Smith
	Ernie Snowden
	William Stein
	Ray Stewart
	Bill Switzer
	Jimmie Taylor
	Alan Thompson
	Chuck Tinker
	Phil Vampatella
	Jim Wagoner
	Jim Weatherly
	Gary Weller
	Mike Waldron
	George Wells
	David Woltz
	Jack Woodul
	Richard Yeates

You Too Can Help

The Crusader Association does not charge dues and therefore has no regular income. However, the Association does have expenses. It guarantees contracts associated with LACB’s, hosts the web site, keeps a lawyer on a modest retainer, buys supplies and has other administrative expenses. We would appreciate your help in keeping the Association solvent.

If you enjoy the GatorGrams, web site information, attending LACBs and viewing photos of others who attended, please consider making a donation to the Association. Simply click on the "Donate" button below and you will be taken to the PayPal website where you can make a donation using either your PayPal account or credit card. Thank you very much for your consideration.

Donations are also a wonderful way to remember and honor squadron mates, or an individual with whom you served. (For those donations made in memory of a deceased person, please provide contact information and the Association will send a letter to the family of the deceased informing them of your donation made in his name.)

If you itemize on your tax return, let us know and we will provide a receipt acknowleging your contributions. (We are registered with the IRS as a non-profit 501(c)(19) veterans association.)